Split Banner Wrappers

These are very versatile in terms of layout options.

Choose a full width banner that stretches across the page or is inline. Have a plain background colour or an image background. Have half the banner as your image if you want to.

You can also go for a 50/50 banner, with two seperate elements e.g. image and text, or image and image.

There are lots of different options for text as well. The pink one has every text option available.

The ones towards the bottom of this section are example of split banners on content pages that are already out in the wild.

Optional pre title text

Optional banner title

Optional subtitle

Choose a pain colour background, a blank background, or an image background

Optional CTA Optional CTA

Here's another banner that stretches full width

You'll need to add different background images for mobile and desktop

Looking good

50/50 layout

With a CTA

Featured Guide

The Lovehoney A to Z of Sex Toys

From anal sex toys to vibrators, and everything in between and after, you’ll be fully equipped with your sex toy know-how to elevate your solo adventures, foreplay and sex life to the big O and beyond.

Read more Read more

LGBTQ+ Advice Guides & Blogs

From sex toys for same-sex couples, to erogenous zones you’ve never even considered...

Discover more Discover more

This is an L2 - Sales Banner


Explore sex through toys, lingerie and more for a lifetime of sexual happiness

Full width without CTA


This is an L3 - Text Block Generator content type (H1)

You have the option to bold and italicise body text.

And there are all expected different heading sizes.

Like an H2

And an H3

And of course an H4

Links can also be added within the text block (but careful because relative links don't work properly and have to be adjusted in the markdown - just add an additional / at the front of your URL.

Text block generators can contain as much - or as a little text as you want.

Bullets and numbered lists don't work properly. Hopefully they will be sorted asap.

  1. Numbers don't appear - but you do get an indent.
  • Bullets are fine on single lines
  • But then go very weird when the text stretches over two lines. They shrink and become an oval not a bullet, getting thinner the longer the text is, which isn't great, is it?


This is an L3 - Video block. And this is an optional title.

This is a caption, which is optional. This template is the same for both YouTube videos and Brightcove videos.
You can add an additional link at the bottom e.g. to 'view all Advice' or some such. This is optional.


This is an L2 - HTML snippet

You can put code in this page. We primarily use this for bunging in iframes, such as the podcast player below


The Sexual Happiness Podcast · S2E17 - How To Explore BDSM When You're Single AF


This is a numbered product block

Lovense Lush 3 App Controlled Rechargeable Love Egg Vibrator

You manually add in a description of the product here. Inputting a product ID will automatically generate the product name, image, price, and star rating. Don't use the product name in the title above.

What customers say: "Here's where you input some product review text from a customer. No need to add the quote marks."

Manual CTA


Below is an L3 - Image, with different images for desktop and mobile

Images are only available full width at the moment.

The words here are using another Text Block Generator. There is no caption or title facility within the L3 - image type itself.



This is an L2 - FAQ Wrapper
Use this one instead of the L3 - Accordion block - there's more functionality.
Here's the first level of title
And you add in your description text in here. You can also add a link and an image. LL-DE-UP-30-Off-Top-Toys-Tablet-512x512-V2_1
and more description text
Add a new section for a different topic.
With more descriptive text.
Go go go!


This is an L3 - Accordion Block
Then you can pop in some descriptive text here class="link-primary" href="/advice/sexual-happiness-advice.html" />And a link if you want:
And more text here. You can also add an image within accordions. LL-DE-UP-30-Off-Top-Toys-Tablet-512x512-V2_1
You can have all open, only the first entry open, or all closed. You can stack different accordions in sections with their own title, like on the Help FAQ page. Just add a new L3 - Accordion Block for each section.


This is an L3 - Tip Block with an optional title - can't make it inline on this content page type


The text section goes here. The image sits on the left on desktop and is stacked above the text on mobile.

You need to be careful regarding the amount of text because, depending on the image size, it can either be too little text on desktop and a big white space is present on the right.

Or if you put in too much text then there will be a big white space underneath the image on the left.

Counter the second problem by adding a text block generator to hold the additional text.





This is a L2 - four column layout

Use it principally as navigation tiles to other content, but you could use if for 4 x images. It stacks 2x2 on mobile. You can change the horizontal and vertical text alignment
Optional CTA Link
Banner Card Type 1
title and description optional. Set a plain colour background or image background
Optional CTA Link
Optional CTA
Banner Card type 2
Optional title and subtitle. Add a background colour or image
Optional CTA
Optional CTA
Same as the others, optional title and description, add a background image or plain colour
Banner Card Type 3
Optional CTA
Optional CTA
Banner Card Type 4
Optional CTA
Optional link banner at the bottom to take you somewhere else e.g. 'All sex toys'


This is an L2 - 2 Column Layout

It has the same functionality as the above 4 column layout, but with two x cards (the same four card types are available).
Optional CTA
Optional header
Banner Card Type 1
Optional CTA
Optional CTA
Banner Card type 2
The height of a background image will determine height of banner. Mind your mobile image!
Optional CTA
This link banner at the bottom of the section is optional


Below is an L2 - 3 x 2 column layout

Again, the four different types of card are available to populate this layout.

You CAN make it inline but this example sits elsewhere and we didn't need to make it inline.

large-POTW-Rub a Dub-1000x-2021-01
Let's Talk About...
The Handshake
The Embrace
POTW-Face Off-700x700-2020-01
Face Off
Love Tug


This is a Global Carousel
